Happy Children's Day
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Unwrapping Joy: The Ultimate Guide to Celebrating Children’s Day in Korea with Your Loved Ones

On the 5th of May each year, Koreans celebrate Children’s Day. This special national holiday is dedicated to children, and each year Koreans use this public holiday to spend time with their families. But what is the significance of Children’s Day, and why is it celebrated? Children are important in Korea, and that’s why they…

chinese zodiac title for korean zodiac
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Discovering the Fascinating World of the 12 Korean Zodiac: A Comprehensive Guide

The Korean zodiac has more in common with the Chinese zodiac than the Western one. Instead of monthly star signs, the Korean zodiac works in annual cycles named after animals. If a Korean asks you, “What’s your ddi?” they are asking about your zodiac to learn more about your personality and figure out if you’d…

working mom schedule with infant and toddler
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Mom Morning Routine: 18 Powerful Tips for Great Mornings

Moms are always busy. Whether you’re a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, mornings can be chaotic. If you’ve tried to stick to a morning routine, you know how difficult it can be, especially when your kids are running around, refusing to get dressed, and you still have a hundred other things to cross off…

white day candy meaning
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What Is White Day In Korea? Romance and more Romance

What is White Day in Korea? The name itself doesn’t give you any indication of what it could mean, what is celebrated, or who should observe it. Read on to find out more. When I was 14, I studied abroad in South Korea for a while. During my first year there, I was so excited…

korean culture
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18 Best Korean Gifts For Her She’s Dreaming About

Korean gifts for her should be thoughtful, reflecting her desires, interests, or sense of style, comfort, or fun. The best Korean gifts for her are not purchased hastily. It isn’t the amount of money spent on the present, but the consideration put into it. Korean gifts for her can be a story about the person…

picnic date ideas
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30+ Romantic & Delicious Date Picnic Food Ideas and How To Tips

Date picnic food is popular in Korea, especially in Spring when the cherry blossoms fill the air. According to K-dramas, inviting someone on a romantic picnic is a sure-fire way to win their heart. What are the best picnic foods to feed your soulmate? I love going on outdoor dates with my husband. From hikes…